Keeping it Clean

Don’t Zone Out, Zone In

I have found that I can take time but not make time. Being busy is not the same as being productive and when we’re busy we aren’t always productive. When I’m productive I feel great but when I’m busy but not productive I feel frazzled.

I found that if I focus on specific things each day, then I can feel like I accomplish a lot more. With that in mind I knew I needed to create zones to give me a better focus on what to do when.

I started with zone 1 – Laundry Room and yes that includes laundry. I felt if I had a better way to tackle mount washmore I would feel less stressed, so I revamped my laundry routine. I now have a set day I do each type of laundry. The bonus is no more mountain of laundry that I feel stressed about.

I felt like if I were to tackle 1 thing in each zone every day, I would feel like I am actually doing something and my home would get cleaner little by little. I incorporated zone 1 into the end of my morning routine so right out the gate my laundry goes into the washer and after we eat lunch I toss it into the dryer or hang it outside to leave folding for when the kids are occupied in the late afternoon.

Monday: Kids Laundry

Tuesday: Darks

Wednesday: Whites

Thursday: Linens

Friday: Towels

Saturday: Colors

Sunday: Pants

This breakdown of the zones has been very helpful for me, so I’m going to share what the rest of my routine looks like in my next post.


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